Official note from Anne:
Hello all,
hope you all had a good start into the new year and are well!
Since i had various health issues lately as well as my pc burned down, i feel that its time to move on.
For this reason I will do a final sale at aDiva main store. So, all items are marked down 50% to give you the chance to get my last designs.
Please send me the giftcards you own till January 20. 2011 to refund you so you can purchase cheap for them.
Have a good time all, i was very happy to get the chance to design for all of you. And i enjoyed every of my second life days with aDiva and my dear customers.
Yours, as always Anne
<<<teleport to mainstore of aDIVA Couture>>>
Saddest day in SL history will be when the doors close for good. Take care of yourself Anne and hopefully you’ll find your way back to SL soon.
Liebe Anne ! Mir tut es sehr, sehr leid , dass Du krank bist und leider SL starkt einschränken mußt. Ich wünsche Dir eine gute Genesung…. , dass es Dir bald weider gut geht. Wir alle vermissen Dich sehr. Ich hoffe, dass Du – sobald es Dir wieder möglich sein wird- wieder bei uns sein wirst. Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen alles Gute! Liebe Grüße an Dich, Deine Alina