where to start …

Life is so fast. Sometimes I want to scream „stop the world“, so I can take care of the things that go down everyday, because of a lack of time.

I’m quite capable of multitasking, but sometimes it’s just annoying. I run from A to B through the city, rather than have a break in a café, you’re running on,’cause there is so much to do.

For me this is a reason to slow down at least my virtual life. I love blogging, but for me it has to be fun and not stressful.

Therefore I slowed down a lot in the last few months and weeks of blogging, especially for events, even if they once, monthly or more often. The requirements have become extremely high, regular blogging in the week (preferably more than twice), blogging every item you get, to be synced at a bunch of feeds. There are many bloggers who can afford it, I can’t do it and not want it too.

Sometimes I’m sad that I don’t have the time to promote big events, get kicked out of blogging-groups ‚cause of „breaking the rules“ for not blogging the last weeks … but I’m so happy and loved in my RL, that’s really a „loss“ I can live with.

So – BE HAPPY in your RL, enjoy your SL but you shouldn’t shift your priorities :o)

Today i read an articel from Luna Jubilee on her blog, which has really appealed to me. You can read the article here – lunajubilee.com.

I’m wearing the mesh head from „The Shops“, lovely jewelry from Ariskea and the newest release from Cynful the „She Bad“, available at the Black Fair.


***teleport to my yard sale***

***click pic for bigger size***

things I used:

house by Scarlet Creative
wheel light by junk
wine rack by ROOST
side table by Kalopsia
bench by Frogstar
newspaper by Dutchie
this and that wall by Zigana
pulley light by junk
plant by Apple Fall
desk with accessoires by HIDEKI
tied books by Apple Fall
(for everthing behind the wheel light, pls look >>>here<<<)

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